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Beer glasses with modern twist for tasting craft brew. This collection holds small traditional wheat beer (weizen) glass, modern IPA glass, a stout taster glass and anything between.

It also offers new age beer glasses, such as Indian Pale Ale (IPA) glass designed to have a thick steam that also warms the drink a bit while you hold it. Giving your IPA the optimal temperature it poured cool.

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IPA glass 500 ml, Dark beer glass 560 ml, IPA glass 480 ml, Weizen glass 410 ml, Tall glass 390 ml, Round glass 450 ml, Curvy glass 400 ml, Lager glass 420 ml, Stout glass 500 ml, Stout glass 400 ml, Taster glass 400 ml, Taster glass 450ml, Taster glass 300 ml


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